Marx in Neue Rheinische Zeitung December 1848

Herr Raumer is still Alive

Source: MECW Volume 8, p. 133;
Written: by Marx on December 6, 1848;
First published: in the Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 162, December 7, 1848.

Cologne, December 6. Recently we mentioned the addresses of loyalty sent by the Halle and Berlin professors to the King. Today we have to announce that Herr von Raumer, imperial envoy in partibus[95], who at the present time is to be found in the antechambers of Bastide and Cavaignac, has fully joined in the professors’ ignominy by stating his agreement with those addresses. As a matter of fact, nothing else was to be expected of an imperial envoy like Herr Raumer. But there seems to be yet another reason for his statement. For months past Herr Raumer has been entirely forgotten in Germany. In his longing to be rescued somehow from that oblivion, he eagerly seized the opportunity offered him by his fellow bonzes in Berlin and promptly published the above-mentioned statement. This production of Raumer’s is to be found in the latest issue of the Preussischer Staats-Anzeiger.