Marx and Engels in Neue Rheinische Zeitung June 1848

The Downfall of the Camphausen Government

Source: MECW Volume 7, p. 106;
Written: on June 21, 1848;
First published: in the special supplement to the Neue Rheinische Zeitung No. 22, June 22, 1848.

Cologne, June 21. 10 p.m. We received the following information from Berlin, June 20: The Camphausen Government has fallen; at 8 o'clock this morning Herr Camphausen returned his portfolio to the King [Frederick William IV ]. When the Agreement Assembly met this morning after an adjournment due to the proposed changes, the President [Karl Milde] read out a letter from Camphausen announcing his resignation to the Chamber because he had not succeeded in filling the ministerial vacancies. Herr Hansemann, Herr von Auerswald, Herr Bornemann, Herr von Patow, Herr Roth van Schreckenstein and Herr Schleinitz sat on the ministerial bench, Schreckenstein as newly appointed Minister of War and Schleinitz, the well-known favourite of the Princess of Prussia [Augusta, Marie Luise Katharina] and Russophile, as Minister of Foreign Affairs. Hansemann and von Auerswald further declared that now that the Prime .Minister had resigned they were all provisional, with the exception of von Schreckenstein and Schleinitz, and would merely handle day-to-day affairs until the formation of a new Cabinet.

The Agreement Assembly was moreover asked for an indefinite adjournment of the Chamber.

It has been decided to adjourn until next Monday.

Our readers will not be surprised by this news. For days now we have been predicting the downfall of the Camphausen Government. And we added: Either a new revolution or a definitely reactionary Government. The attempt at a new revolution has failed. A Russophile Government will pave the way for the Tsar.